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STS: New Book Hits Out at Daim and Family By Brendan Pereira 8/7/2001 10:57 am Sun |
[Daim tidak perlu bising kerana jika dia terhumban Mahathir pun
mungkin lingkup sama. Banyak pihak yang 'under-estimate' Daim dan
rangkaiannya - termasuk Mahathir sendiri. Mahathir sebenarnya takut
juga kepada Daim sebab itulah digunakan pihak ketiga. Ini tidak
ubah seperti kes Anwar cumanya Daim mungkin tidak bertindakbalas
secara terbuka. Dengan wang ditangannya ramai yang sanggup menjadi
hamba secara diam yang tentunya akan menyusahkan Mahathir dan Khalid
Jafri juga... kerana mereka ini 'berniaga' belaka.
- Editor] New book hits out at Daim and family
Khalid Jafri, who wrote a book that started Anwar's fall, casts
aspersions on the former finance minister, and says Mahathir must
investigate him By Brendan Pereira KUALA LUMPUR - The author of the book that signalled Anwar
Ibrahim's fall from grace is back. This time, Khalid Jafri is after former finance minister Tun Daim
Zainuddin. In a 282-page book titled Tun Daim - The Rogue, he savages the
former minister, his second wife, prominent businessman Tan Sri
Halim Saad and casts aspersions on his family's involvement in
business. In the foreword, he suggests that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr
Mahathir Mohamad would be respected if he investigated all the
allegations being made against his trusted lieutenant.
Khalid said he took three months to do research for the book and
obtained information from various sources.
His aim: expose what has happened in the interest of the public and
country. 'I stand behind what I have written. I am prepared to be sued and
brought to court if what I have written is false,' said the former
editor with the Utusan Melayu publishing group.
He has some experience of being hauled to court.
In 1998, he wrote the book 50 Reasons Why Anwar Cannot Be The
PM. It contained damaging accusations against the former deputy prime
minister and alleged that he was involved in sexual misconduct and
political shenanigans. Anwar lodged a police report, believing that people who wanted to
end his political career were behind the publication.
The police investigation that followed turned out to be a
double-edged sword. It led to Khalid being charged with maliciously publishing news, an
offence that carries a sentence of up to three years in jail.
After three years, the case is still before the courts.
It also led to Anwar being charged with using his position in
government to obstruct a probe into allegations of sexual
misconduct. He was convicted and sentenced to six years in jail.
Those in Tun Daim's circle believed that the latest book was
bankrolled by a senior government politician, who felt slighted when
several of his ideas for projects and appeals for contracts were
turned down by the former finance minister.
They argued that Tun Daim made many enemies with his
no-nonsense approach, especially when dealing with Umno
politicians. Now that he has resigned from all the government positions, 'his
enemies' are looking to hit back. Whatever may be the motivation of the author and his backer, it
appears that Tun Daim's plan to leave the scene quietly and without
fuss is not going according to script.
For weeks following his resignation, Dr Mahathir faced a host of
questions from the media on whether his former minister was being
investigated, under house arrest or had his passport impounded.
The Prime Minister dismissed all the allegations. Now comes Khalid's
book. Tun Daim is in a no-win situation. If he keeps quiet, he will give a dose of credibility to what has been
alleged. If he lodges a police report, it is not going to stop the book from
being circulated. A police investigation could also pave the way for a messy tell-all
trial. |