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EC: Mahathir's Anniversary Blues By Economist 13/7/2001 5:31 pm Fri |
[Mahathir sengaja mengaib dan menendang mereka yang berkaliber
dalam Umno agar tiada sesiapa dapat mencabar atau menyainginya.
Dia kerap melantik seorang yang lemah sebagai pengganti seperti
Ghafar dan Pak Lah supaya dia diperlukan lagi kerana penggantinya
tidak cukup belajar lagi. Mahathir sengaja mengurangkan alternatif
supaya ahli Umno tiada pilihan lain selain dirinya. Akibatnya Umno
semakin kepupusan idea dan tokoh kerana semua yang bersinar telah
dicemari dengan wang atau khabar yang melayang.
Strategi itu berlaku juga diluar parti. Sesiapa yang boleh mengugat
akan dipenjarakan - samada orang ataupun akhbar. Sekarang golongan muda
menjadi sasaran berikutan tangkapan 2 pelajar di bawah akta ISA.
Mahathir tidak begitu gentar dengan PAS kerana isu negara Islam
itu dirasakan sudah cukup berkesan sehingga ia asyik diputar. Lagipun
PAS kurang menyengat walaupun dihadiahkan banyak isu yang hebat. Tetapi
parti keADILan amat mengancam sehingga model parti itu cuba ditiru
dalam beberapa segi. Namun begitu ada sesuatu yang sukar ditiru sampai
kini. Kepimpinan keADILan kebanyakkannya muda-muda belaka dan ahli-ahli
mereka mempunyai semangat yang amat waja yang sanggup menempah risiko.
Itu tidak ada dalam Umno yang asyik mengangguk atau mengangkat kata sahaja.
- Editor] Jul 14th 2001 | KUALA LUMPUR From The Economist print edition After 20 years in power, can anything persuade the strongman to step
down? Yet, as he prepares to celebrate 20 years as prime minister on July
16th, Asia's longest-serving elected ruler is voicing doubts about
everyone but himself. In a rare understatement last week, the
75-year-old Dr Mahathir neatly summed up his opponents'-and some
would say his country's-enduring burden: "I'm afraid they'll find
it difficult to get rid of me."
This, it must be noted, is at odds with the official line. Dr Mahathir has
suggested several times in the past few years that he will relinquish
power before the next general election, due by 2004. These occasional
musings helped him to shore up support among wavering Malays before
the last general election, in 1999, and again in the approach to party
elections last year. Dr Mahathir has also begun speaking of the deputy
prime minister, Abdullah Badawi, as his eventual successor, breaking a
previous habit of dismissing his deputy as ill-prepared. The forces
driving these concessions are likely to grow more compelling over the
next couple of years. So does Dr Mahathir really believe that he can defy
his detractors and win another term as prime minister?
Malaysia's political system is designed to help him do so. But for the first
time since independence in 1957, UMNO may find it hard to fend off
democratic pressure for change. Although its coalition won a two-thirds
majority in parliament in 1999, it sustained an unprecedented loss of
supporters at its base. Some turned to the Islamic party, PAS, which
increased its hold on the north-eastern state of Kelantan and gained
control of its neighbour Terengganu. It seems unlikely that PAS's aim of
eventually governing Malaysia could be realised; the Malaysians are too
fond of their material comforts to embrace Islamic austerity. All the
same, PAS offers a powerful message to the voters: it has been
demonstrably honest in the states it controls, and so far has been
moderate in imposing the ways of Islam. At the next general election,
UMNO will face 650,000 new voters in an electorate of 10m. Many of
them are young people who have been outraged by Dr Mahathir's
monopoly of power and by stories of corruption in his administration.
Even the prime minister has given warning that an opposition victory
might be "no longer that difficult".
Although dissidents have been complaining loudly for the past few
years, Dr Mahathir's vulnerability may also start to embolden those with
stronger links to the establishment, increasing calls within UMNO for
him to step down. He has already faced several legal setbacks in the
past few months, surprising many observers. A High Court judge
recently ordered the release of two dissidents who had been jailed under
the Internal Security Act, chastising police in the process and voicing
doubts about whether Malaysia needed such a draconian law.
None of this seems to have weakened Dr Mahathir's fondness for his
favourite tactics. Despite the release of some dissidents, five of the ten
opposition activists who were arrested under the security act in April
remain in jail. Last week two students were arrested under the act. In
another action to show his strength, Dr Mahathir has recently taken
over the finance ministry from his long-time ally, Daim Zainuddin.
Although officially Mr Daim has resigned to take a well-earned rest, Dr
Mahathir's three previous deputy prime ministers could be forgiven for
detecting a pattern. Over the past two decades, whenever he has
looked shaky, he has jettisoned a close ally and carried on.
That is why, for all the apparent momentum building against him, it is too
soon to begin counting the days until Dr Mahathir yields power.
Opponents and pundits have been forecasting his demise for the past
few years, analysing one big event after another for signs that his end is
near. More high drama will no doubt surround a state election in
Sarawak, which must be called this year. Towards the end of the year,
the first post-Daim budget can be expected to prompt questions about
how long Dr Mahathir's pump-priming can sustain him.
Yet it is still impossible to predict which way his large ego will lead him.
The recent bluster may indeed be a prelude to resignation-a show of
confidence to convince everyone that he is leaving on his own terms.
Perhaps one more anniversary in office, or independence-day
celebration, or fiscal package, really will be all that Dr Mahathir needs to
declare victory and become autocrat emeritus.
Despite all the recent dissent, the prime minister still retains huge
powers with which to suppress any real criticism. And after watching so
many other autocrats lose power-such as Suharto in next-door
Indonesia-Dr Mahathir may yet conclude that it is best to hang on
indefinitely. Otherwise, he may one day have to hear what other
Malaysians really think of him.