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HR: MCA Waves A Headless Goat By Harun Rashid 13/7/2001 6:42 pm Fri |
[Kemenangan Ling tidak membawa apa-apa makna kerana MCA sudah
semakin tercedera dan Nanyang pula sudah tiada permata di dalamnya.
Malah pemuda MCA itu jugalah antara pelanggan Nanyang dulunya. Ling
tidak menghormati demokrasi kerana melangkah dulu baru bertanya.
Malah dia menyekat surat Lim Ah Lek dari sampai kepada ahli-ahli
semua. Sepatutnya Nanyang membuat satu pungutan suara (poll) pembaca
kerana mereka itulah sebenarnya raja dan kunci hidup mati akhbar.
Tanpa mereka Nanyang akan gulung tikar.
Ling mungkin boleh berseronok sekarang - tetapi tunggu dulu. Jika
Nanyang rugi dan lingkup, Ling juga yang akan terpelangkup.....
- Editor] by Harun Rashid Jul 6, 2001 The game lasts several days, the outcome shifting often before
the climax. The winner happily displays his prize, waving the
bedraggled carcass before the referees and spectators. The
losers congratulate the winner in good sportsmanship, vowing to
win next time, then retreat to tend their fires.
The tsunami, or tidal wave, begins with an earthquake, invisible
beneath the open ocean. Initially only a small wave betrays
events to come. As the wave approaches the continental shelf
the shallower water propels the wave to ominous proportions.
The decreasing depth depth onto the beach soon presents a wall
of water that carries all before it for many meters inland. It is
tragic, but it is also cleansing. Even as Ling smiled in triumph, waving the sale and purchase
papers of the beheaded Nanyang before the cameras, the MCA
youth announced its opposition. It is a notice of things to come.
The old guard, full of wiles, can command the carcass, but the
youth control the fires of the future.
Ling calls for reconciliation and good sportsmanship. None
expect him to forgive and forget. This matters naught for the
longer run, as the dissident faction is not only right, they are the
majority. Hardly visible now, in a short time the situation will
reveal itself as the tidal wave of the future. The MCA youth
voted overwhelmingly against the purchase, and the Chinese
business community is resolved that they will observe the
boycott by withdrawing advertising.
The two Nanayang papers have been beheaded with removal of
the editors, and the life blood was drained away with the
departing writers, who are principled people. The carcass is left
for Ling to wave, and claim his win, but the Chinese community,
supported by the youth of Malaysia, have withdrawn in an
outward show of good sportsmanship. But they have not
forgotten, and they may be seen here and there, tending their
fires. On the horizon one sees the approaching tsunami, denied by the
oldsters defending their gains, afraid the waters of the coming
waves will wash away their sand castles and pompus parades
protected by platoons of poltroons in police paraphernalia. Let
those who take comfort in the latest squeaky survival of the
prime minister regale in the repression of the reformists and the
torture of the ISA police prisoners. Let the worshippers of public placidity pay the price of human
rights; let them fall prey to the manipulation of the market
shares. Let them espouse the false security of authoritarian
stability. Let them find at their leisure that right is might. Let
them suffer the horrible emptiness which comes with
self-knowledge and belated admission that all the cruelty,
insensitivity and craven corruption was made possible by their
own unwillingness to take an active part in current events.
Let us draw near these fires of youth, for there is warmth of humanity to be shared. There to enjoy the smiles of comradeship, commingled with a sense of purpose. Let us relish the fight for justice; rejoice and take hope. These are revolutionary times. The carcass of today is the feast of tomorrow. There will be glory to share. There will be losses. May it be for every one who falls, ten step forward to fill the void. Link Reference : Harun Rashid Worldview: MCA Waves A Headless Goat |