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BG: Not even ONE Ringgit for the proposed UTAR! By Ronnie Liu 14/7/2001 10:45 pm Sat |
[Kerajaan telah memutuskan tidak akan memberi bantuan kewangan
untuk penubuhan UTAR. Ini bermakna MCA perlu bergantung kepada derma
untuk mengongkosnya. Bukan wang sahaja, malah kepakaran dan sokongan
oleh golongan pendidik Cina. Tetapi siapakah yang sudi membantunya
lagi kerana dia telah banyak melanyak mereka dalam isu-isu pendidikkan
kaum Cina selama ini. Menguruskan satu universiti memerlukan rekod yang baik. Tetapi
Ling mempunyai rekod yang amat tempang seperti skandal Tabung JE dan
mempersiakan Tabung Chang Min Thien. Pemimpin MCA bukan sahaja gagal
membela masyarakat Cina malah mereka kerap menyeleweng sehingga wang
Koperasi pun turut dikerjakan sama. Sekarang minda rakyat pula menjadi
sasaran kerana kaum Cina yang cerdik akan menyusahkan mereka. Itu sebiji
tektik ala Mahathir juga.... "Not even ONE Ringgit for the proposed UTAR"
I would not pay even ONE Ringgit to MCA for the proposed UTAR!
As a partner in the ruling BN government, what Ling Liong Sik should really
do is to persuade the government to build more universities to cater for the
needs of our students, rather than shifting the responsibility of the
government to the Chinese community.
He should also persuade the government to upgrade the present TAR College to
the status of "university", just like what UMNO did for the Mara Institute
of Technology (now known as UiTM). He should also use his influence to
persuade the government to upgrade the New Era College and
the Kolej Selatan set up by the Chinese community to the varsity status,
instead of competing with these colleges for the limited resources found in
the community. The community is also expecting Liong Sik to persuade the BN government to
review (if not, abolish) the ethnic quota system, so that our children with
several As (SPM or STPM) can secure a place in the local universities.
Thousands of Non-Malay students were deprived of places in
our local universities each year. The country is losing billions of Ringgit
in foreign reserve to support our students overseas.
Ling Liong Sik, in fact, has a chance to upgrade the TAR College to varsity
status two years ago but he failed to do so simply because he dare not risk
offending Najib and other senior UMNO leaders. He was under tremendous
pressure from the TAR College graduates and his grassroots
members at that time. He has no business now to compete with other colleges
and educational institutions supported solely by the Chinese community.
Liong Sik and the MCA should know pretty well that the entire community is
already burdened with three colleges and 60 independent high schools, not to
mention the 1,200 plus Chinese primary schools. If we allow MCA to "squeeze"
the limited resources of the Chinese community further, I'm
afraid the development of these colleges, high schools and the primary
schools supported by the community all these years will suffer tremendously.
MCA should persuade the government to pay for the university. Otherwise,
they should find the money on it's own to build and maintain the proposed
UTAR. The Chinese community has no obligation to pay a single cent to help
serve Liong Sik's personal political agenda. I personally would not pay even
one Ringgit to MCA for the proposed university.
I also wish to remind the Malaysian public not to forget the manner MCA
manages public fund. MCA has messed up the RM10 millions donated by the late
Chang Min Thien 20 years ago, depriving hundreds of needy students the
chance of receiving higher education. MCA also fared badly in handling the
JE Fund for the victims and their families.
How can anyone trust the party with such a bad record to build and maintain
a university? Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew |