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MGG: The Changing Face of Politics By M.G.G. Pillai 15/7/2001 10:29 pm Sun |
The Changing Face of Politics
At the French Bastille Day reception today (14 July), I saw a
sight I had not for 30 years: PAS' Subky Latiff, who abandoned
journalism and his lounge suit for politics, in an unaccustomed
lounge suit in the sweltering heat, in the spacious gardens of
the French compound in Jalan Ampang. We have been friends longer
than that, we met when I was at Bernama, joining it after leaving
Reuters and seven years in Singapore, and he at Utusan Malaysia,
he erudite and with the touch of whimsy he retains, prone to
practical jokes, and I as ever with a bee in my bonnet, both
interested in the undercurrents, more than the news
itself. He went on into politics, building a reputation for
stolidity amidst electoral failures -- he lost to the Prime
Minister, Dato' Seri Mahathir Mohamed, in Kubang Pasu in 1999, an
important backroom boy in a political party the rest of Malaysia
loves to hate. He is a party apparatchik, make no mistake, but
he is also its best face, when journalists and diplomats
diplomats drops in for a chat. His commanding presence comes
with it a stentorian voice which comes to life in front a
microphone. I had not seen him for almost a year. The last time he was
in his customary white skullcap and baju Melayu. He was in a
lounge suit, because he said the invitation had insisted on it.
I was improperly dressed, as usual, in batik. I commented on his
sartorial modernity, and he said he would not want to insult his
host. It is more than that. It is a sign that PAS, with its
pronounced fundamentalist image, readies itself for the centre
stage. Somehow, talking of an Islamic state in a three piece
suit is, in the language of modern diplomacy, more acceptable
than more moderate words from an Ustadz as Haji Hadi Awang.
Conversely, PAS's arch rival, UMNO, holds to its secular
vision by private concessions to its fundamentalist members. It
tries to outbid PAS's Islam by a superficial secular presence.
But without the confidence to see its beliefs through. It is
frightened of an opposition front which has PAS and DAP, for that
would uncomfortably challenge UMNO's dominance. PAS is on the
ascendancy not because its brand of Islam is the better, but
because it has a well-woven party with party workers in the Subky
mould, putting their personal defeats to ensure a party that
could one day form the government.
No other party has that dedication. Its election agents are
the best prepared. They know the elections laws inside out,
better often than the elections officers, is there to brook no
nonsense, and little nonsense takes place. They hold classes in
which the elections regulations are discussed ad nauseum until
every one knows what it is about. The National Front ignores
this in the belief it would thump through with ease.
The problem of ballot boxes arriving late is not an issue
where PAS stands: they are nullified and not part of the
counting because the laws provide for it and its agents know the
sections by heart. DAP and Keadilan lost enough seats by
electoral deux et machinas than any other cause. The clearest is
the Lembah Pantai seat which Keadilan's Zainur Zakaria should
have won; but the miraculous arrival of a ballot box hours after
the counting changed the tide. It should not have been allowed,
but few in Keadilan knew the elections regulations to challenge
it. This is the big difference in Malaysian politics. Apart
from PAS, no one bothers about the nitty gritty of electoral
politics. This gives the National Front a headstart. When the
tide sways away, since 1998 over how UMNO mishandled its deputy
president, one Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim, it is the best organised
party that moves in. This is how PAS got into the mainstream so
dramatically. It has a collective fanaticism of the believer,
knows the world is stacked against it, moves deliberately to rise
to the top by sheer grit and stamina, unswayed by defeats,
chipping away at majorities until one day, in 1990 in Kelantan
and in 1999 in Trengganu, it seizes power.
It is this focus that unnerves lesser prepared parties, in
the government and opposition. The DAP is frightened of its
electoral sway; but it itself did little to prepare itself for
such electoral sleight of hands where they stood -- the Lim Kit
Siang and Karpal Singh defeats in Penang come to mind. Words
alone cannot ensure electoral success. It is a pity DAP did not
accept PAS's offer to train its election agents. Peace comes
only when one is prepared for war.
The remarkable PAS confidence is another frightening
worry. Before every parliamentary session, its MPS meet to
discuss the issues, raise discussion points, and come to the
chamber well prepared. This happens day in day out every day of
the session that its MPs are never taken unawares. I know of no
political party that prepares so thoroughly. While it firms its
home ground, it reaches out. Patiently, persistently, it builds
bridges, changes its public perception, moving artlessly from
baju Melayu to Saville Row suits, its beliefs unquestioned, and
one day its solutions acceptable. In the same way, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rode to
power in India. There is nothing unusual amongst its members,
only that those who ran it, and many who believed in it, were
prepared to work for it. Money was not the cause of that belief,
it is a new world shaped by their beliefs. It frighteningly
challenges the laisse faire worldview we have become accustomed
to. People are afraid of the unknown, and would not peer into it
unless guided by someone they know and trust.
The National Front and UMNO, part of the landscape of those
under 45, for all its faults, corruption, arrogance, rising
irrelevance, is believed. The middle class is happy with them,
the business man willingly works with them for he could make more
from any projects he receives than he should. The average
worker, however hard his life, would not want it reordered to add
doubt and fear into his equation. The unbending strength of incumbency is a powerful election
manifesto to return it to yet another term in office. But the
National Front and its principal patron, UMNO, is stuck in its
groove of arrogant, oligarchic, dictatorial governance. Its
principal supporters, the Malays, move away from it, insisting
UMNO defied the cultural imperative that put it there in the
first place. Suddenly, Malaysian politics is not one in which the
National Front dominates. UMNO is in tatters, the Malay cares
not if it survives the next election, nor if the Prime Minister,
Dato' Seri Mahathir Mohamed remains in office for the rest of his
life. He sees UMNO in a lemming-like dash to disaster, and it
would do nothing to prevent it. He waits patiently, as a man
waiting for the ripe durian to fall, and he is prepared to wait
as long as he wants. Malaysian politics, despite the superficial stability, is in
flux. UMNO's vaunted Malay Dominance is in danger because it was
nurtured with the care it should have been. PAS's Islamisation,
its antithesis, moves to fill the coming vaccum. Whether it
would is not what matters now. It is UMNO's fear of that, and of
losing power. Which is why it reaches out to the non-Malay
partners it led by the nose all these years.
Malay Dominance comes unstuck, and UMNO does not know how to
turn it around. It probably cannot. It does not have the men
with the conscience of Malay Dominance accepted unquestioningly
to repair it. Most had been seduced with unexpected riches from
the national casino that Malaysia was for twenty years. But what
goes up must come down. And these denizens of Malaysia Boleh now
head for the bankruptcy courts. They have, understandably, no
time for theories and fine-tuning of failed policies.
The Chinese community sees this clearer than most others.
The MCA cannot respond with the flawed leaders it has. The DAP
cannot step forward stridently to be the Chinese voice of the
opposition coalition because of its gut fear of PAS's Islamic
agenda. But both MCA and DAP, with Gerakan lagging a distant
third, are caught flatfooted with their supporters, for having
led them up the garden path, and react in haste and
fright. Islamisation is a bugbear that the Chinese think they
understand, and react to back their leaders. But it is not done
with thought or study. So, it is at best, as in India, a
temporary means to prevent the inevitable. For when all it said
and done, both UMNO and PAS have Islamisation in mind, it is only
in how to implement it that brings them into opposition. There
is both parties an unchallenged view of Malay Islam
domination. Neither questions that. But it is only PAS that attempts to project itself, as now,
of a modernist view of Islam. it is constrained by its more
extreme members who demand nothing short of the Middle Eastern
sharia practices imposed, with the hudud laws implemented in its
extremity. It is the modernist PAS member who holds the trump
card. With the hordes of Malay professionals who rush into its
ranks, it has to be. That lounge suit Subky Latiff wore on 14
July reflects that thinking. PAS shifts gears to attract those
who once would have been angry at the prospect.
M.G.G. Pillai |