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Malaysia's Ruler Has 20 Years in Power By AP 16/7/2001 8:46 am Mon |
[Sudah 20 tahun Mahathir berkuasa tidak ada apa yang
dapat dimegahkan sekarang ini kerana masyarakat sudah semakin
binasa. Jenayah seks ganjil dan bunuh membunuh dalam keluarga
sudah berleluasa sehinggakan bayi dibuang begitu sahaja.
Siapakah yang memberi 'pelajaran percuma' kepada rakyat gejala
ini jika tidak Mahathir sendiri sewaktu mengaibkan Anwar.
Kita sudah berada di dalam 'darurat jiwa' akibat ajaran-ajaran
Mahathir seperti 'dalam lagi penting kerana orang yang bertudung
pun boleh melakukan maksiat'. Sekarang lihat apa sudah jadi
kepada masyarakat kita hari ini. Siapa yang mengajar membuntingkan
pelajar sekolah dan boleh lepas dengan mudah jika tidak orang kuat
Mahathir juga. Yang peliknya Lim Guang Eng yang cuba membela gadis
itu pula dipenjara. Sekarang gejala samseng sudah menjadi-jadi di sekolah sehingga
ada yang mati dikerjakan. Cuba kita titip baik-baik perkara ini.
Di negeri-negeri inilah ceramah ugama disekat sedangkan apa yang
diajar tidak menyentuh sedikit pun perihal politik. Akibatnya jiwa
anak-anak remaja ini dipengaruhi oleh syaitan yang berupa manusia
tanpa ada usaha yang padu untuk membanterasnya. Syaitan ini
diberikan ruang yang bebas untuk mengajar di dalam akhbar sehingga
hejab wanita pun dikatakan tidak perlu dan firaun pun baik sedangkan
ayat al Quran sudah terang lagi jelas akan hal itu (tanpa berkias).
- Editor] July 14, 2001 Malaysia's Ruler Has 20 Years in Power
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - At the ruling party's recent
congress, huge photographs of carnage in neighboring Indonesia
hung on the walls, showing mutilated bodies being dragged
behind motorcycles and thousands of refugees fleeing in terror.
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad then took the podium and
berated Malaysians in a nationally televised speech for not
appreciating him more. Mahathir's point was that the difference between anarchic
Indonesia and middle-class Malaysia is stable government. He
repeated the assertion days later before an international
gathering, pointedly referring to his long leadership of this
Southeast Asian nation - which reaches 20 years Monday.
"If you keep on changing prime ministers every two years, and
each prime minister wants to show his hand and changes every
policy made by his predecessor ... you are going to see turmoil
continuously," he said. "I think that being 20 years in the office,
you must have learned something." A sprightly 75, Mahathir remains a master of unorthodox politics,
entrenched at the top despite swelling dissent. He is a rarity in
the Third World, a critic of U.S.-dominated globalization who gets
listened to because of his country's economic achievements.
While he has promised to step down before elections due in
2004, Mahathir has shown few signs he's preparing to leave.
He has been Asia's longest serving leader since 1998 - when
Indonesian dictator Suharto was ousted - and he survived the
biggest challenge to his rule months later when tens of thousands
of people poured into the streets of Kuala Lumpur to demand his
ouster. But Mahathir remains on top, and the man championed by the
protesters, former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim, is serving
prison sentences totaling 15 years for corruption and s###my.
Coming to office July 16, 1981, Mahathir pledged greater
democracy and accountability. But his legacy of economic
prosperity is increasingly marred by political suppression in the
twilight of his rule. "I used to admire Mahathir, but not now," said Mohamad Helmi, a
businessman. "He wants to control everything and everybody."
Under Mahathir, Malaysia has been transformed from a
backwater dependent on exports of tin, rubber and palm oil into
one of the region's wealthiest countries and a big electronics
exporter. Annual per capita income of $4,000 is 13 times what it
was at independence from Britain in 1957.
Though racial issues are highly sensitive, Malaysia's 23 million
people have largely been spared the ethnic and religious
violence that has destabilized Indonesia and other neighbors.
But the "Father of Modern Malaysia" - as supporters call
Mahathir - also has curbed the judiciary and press and ordered
opponents detained without trial to hold down dissent. He
defends such actions as needed to protect Malaysia's prosperity.
Yet, rising standards of living, the Internet and a resurgent
opposition have helped raise questions about his rule. Even
some in his own United Malays National Organization have
urged Mahathir to lay out his succession plan - which hasn't
been clear since Anwar was fired in 1998.
By ousting Anwar, who was popular with Malaysia's Muslim
majority, Mahathir threw out a shield protecting his generally
secular government from the fundamentalist Pan-Malaysian
Islamic Party, known as PAS. In 1999 elections, the party tripled
its parliamentary seats and won control of two of Malaysia's 13
state governments. "For this Mahathir must take the blame," said P. Ramasamy, a
political science lecturer at the University of Malaya. "PAS has
used the Anwar issue to turn the tables on Mahathir and change
the country's political landscape, perhaps forever."
The prime minister fights back with trademark rhetoric, blasting
the West and warning of upheaval between Muslims and ethnic
Chinese if the opposition should gain power. Critics say the old
ways may no longer work. "Mahathir has not come to grips with the new mentality of
educated Malay voters," said Mohamad Agus Yusoff, an
academic at the University of Malaya. "They are concerned
about human rights and democracy abuses, not just physical
development." Mohamad Agus adds, however, that Mahathir's career is not
necessarily coming to an end. "You can never rule him out," he said. "He wouldn't have
survived so long without always having an ace tucked