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MGG: IWK Asks Its "Customers" To Pay By M.G.G. Pillai 17/7/2001 12:23 am Tue |
[IWK tidak berhak untuk mengutip wang dari pengguna kerana
tiada kontrak bertulis yang mengizinkannya. Isu pembentungan
dan kumbahan telah dirangkumi oleh cukai hasil/penilaian oleh
pihak perbandaran mengapa rakyat kini dipaksakan membayar sedangkan
cukai itu tidak pula dikurangkan? IWK sepatutnya memperjelaskan isu kontrak itu terlebih dulu
bukannya mengirim samseng menggertak orang membayar hutang.
Mesti ada sebabnya rakyat enggan membayar malangnya ia tidak pula
ingin mengkaji kenapa dan mengapa. Mendesak rakyat membayar
dengan tiba-tiba hanya akan mengundang huru-hara yang akan
mencemarkan imej IWK dan kerajaan juga dengan percuma.
- Editor] Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, once run, and messed up, by that
international business man of unquestioned repute, now employs
debt-recovery agents to collect what it cannot. It went through
several hands, each threatening its "customers" it did not have
any contract with, threatening to have water cut off if sewage
bills were not paid, and is now in the hands of the federal
government. Sewage is a municipal service, which assessments
take care of. Yet IWK, now owned by Ministry of Finance
Incorporated, insists it must also be paid even if does not have
a contract with you. If the government orders you to pay, as one
IWK official told me bluntly, you should. I said if I need a
telephone, I have to sign a contract with Telekom Malaysia, for
electricity with Tenaga Nasional, so if I need IWK service, I
shall contact it. IWK is a failed privatisation service, issued to a crony to
make money but without working out how he could. It was rushed
through in 1990, before the general elections, and this
international business man of unquestioned repute huffed and
puffed and threatened and got cabinet ministers on his side but
it did not work. IWK would not answer basic questions, but go on
a high horse of depleting water resources. In the latest
exercise, it returns to that theme: "We need the money to carry
out our task in providing a proper and efficient sewerage
system. It is an important and costly task," an IWK statement
said yesterday. Indeed, it is. I commend it for its public
service. But could IWK explain why those who do not have a
contract with it should provide the funds for its public service?
When IWK employs debt-collectors to collect RM240 million it
claims it is owed by its customers. In Canning Garden East, in
Ipoh, it threatened housewives, when their men were at work, of
dire consequences, which included auctioning of their houses, if
they did not pay what was owed immediately. Many rushed to
borrow money and pay. If this is how these debt collectors do
their work, something surely is wrong.
The simple test of whether one is a customer is if one has
signed a contract with IWK. Those of you who has would have to
pay. Those who have not are not customers. Besides, if I do not
pay my telephone or electricity bills, the utility is cut off
until payment is made. IWK should cut off service instead of
sending in debt-collectors. The statement says IWK is serious
and are fully committed to collect all the money due to us. An
admirable thought. But how can IWK collect what it is not owed?
The issue is not IWK's commitment to a "proper and efficient
sewerage system" but its right to collect from Malaysians without
an agreement. And the arrogance of its officers.
I have told IWK I am happy to pay what I owe provided it
produces a contract I signed for its service. If you would
recall, it sent me three bills, in three different and unknown
names, but with the totals rising with each. In condominiums and
flats, IWK insists it can collect from those who run it and
residents would have to pay. It cannot. It would have to sign
individual contracts with each resident. But the IWK management
does not want to address these issues. If this comes to court,
and several I know have been summoned and intend to fight it out,
it would throw more odium on IWK. The international business man
of unquestioned repute took the money and the MoF inc eventually
the execreta that IWK's stock-in-trade.
M.G.G. Pillai