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CNN: Anwar Moving Ahead With Appeal For Surgery Abroad By CNN 17/7/2001 9:19 pm Tue |
[Setelah 20 tahun berkuasa beginilah layanan Mahathir buat seorang
pesakit dan anak-anaknya. Bukan itu sahaja keluarga tahanan ISA pula
disembur dengan pancutan air berbisa di Kamunting. Di manakah Mahathir
jika tidak sedang bergembira bersama 25,000 pengampunya menikmati juadah
ulangtahunnya. Inilah pemimpin yang tidak berani bersatentang mata dengan
DS Wan Azizah apatah lagi berdailog dengan keluarga ISA. Dengan tersiarnya
video CNN ini dapatlah dunia menilai betapa dahsyatnya Mahathir mencengkam
hak seorang pesakit dan hak untuk bersuara demi untuk mengekalkan kuasa.
Sampai sekarang tiada bukti semua yang ditangkap ISA itu menggugat keselamatan
negara atau mempunyai bom dan grened di mana-mana. Itu semua helah belaka
malangnya 25,000 pengampu Mahathir itu mudah lupa.
- Editor] Anwar Ibrahim Moving Ahead on Appeal Against Malaysian Government's
Refusal to Allow Him to Travel Abroad for Surgery
FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. BIZASIA's Lisa Barron asked Anwar's wife, Wan Azizah, about that medical
condition and other issues in Kuala Lumpur.
He is asking for his right as a patient, and in the human rights charter of the
United Nations, too, which Malaysia has signed up as well, that he has the
right of choice of treatment, and because he is still able to have bail, he
granted bail, because he hasn't exhausted all avenues of appeal, he is able
to go. LISA BARRON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What has been his response from
the government to his request? WAN ISMAIL: Our application to the general has been rejected, and my
daughter and my son, and the lawyers of the family has given a letter of
appeal to the whole ministry. At that time, my daughter and my son were
harassed. The police came and asked them for a statement after they handed
over the letter, which amounts to intimidation. But the prime minister has not
replied to our appeal. BARRON: Where do you see the latest battle over his health ending up.
WAN ISMAIL: Well, I would like to see as soon as possible, that on
humanitarian grounds along, that my husband be allowed to go and pursue
and have his operation -- have his procedure done as soon as possible,
because the longer we wait, the more the morbidity of the situation.
BARRON: What is your view of the overall human rights situation in Malaysia
now? WAN ISMAIL: Human rights is jumbled because of the (UNINTELLIGIBLE)
mainly. In Awar's case, of course, the right of a patient to get, and freedom of
speech, where we have traditions act and we don't have freedom of the
media, and we don't (UNINTELLIGIBLE) you can not congregate freely. More
than four is people considered a gathering without police permits.
BARRON: Why does the government use the ISA? What does it allow the
government to do? WAN ISMAIL: Anything. It's detention without trial. They take you in for 60
days without any cause for support, or counsel, or lawyers or family. They
don't know where they have taken, and they will be blindfolds and
handcuffed. Anytime they move anywhere, they would be placed in a cell,
you don't know night or day and the time, and interrogation after interrogation
from personnel that do not have names, do not identify themselves. And
many, many things will be drummed into you, or make you feel you have to
confess, things like that. (END VIDEOTAPE) TANONAKA: Anwar is currently waiting for the court to assign a date to hear
his appeal on his conviction for corruption and s###my.
Anwar says the case was politically motivated.