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Time: Malaysia Under Mahathir After 20 years (Of Idiotic Rule) By Simon Elegant 20/7/2001 5:10 pm Fri |
[Mahathir kini sudah tidak dihormati lagi oleh penyokongnya sendiri
sehingga mereka tidak memperdulikannya dalam majlis sambutan ulangtahunnya
itu. Mereka datang untuk makan. Mahathir langsung mereka tidak perduli!
Mahathir masih berdegil untuk meneruskan projek Bakun sedangkan ramai pakar
menganggap itulah projek yang teramat dungu kerana tiada keperluan untuk itu.
Kalau adapun sekadar membuncitkan kroni yang sudah sesak wang sekarang ini.
Selepas 20 tahun, Mahathir masih enggan berhenti walaupun dia semakin
tidak disukai sehingga Umno begitu tergugat sekali sehingga lepas dua negeri.
Sekarang dia dihantui oleh krisis ekonomi yang memeningkan kerana rezab negara
sudah ditahap kerak-kerak nasi. Semua rancangannya tidak menjadi walaupun
dengan membuang kawalan modal dan Daim bersekali. Pelabur luar sudah tidak
sudi kerana Mahathir suka mungkir janji sehingga royalti pun hendak dicuri.
Kini dengan memenjarakan pelajar dengan akta ISA tentulah semua pelabur luar
tidak ingin kemari kerana itu jelas mencengkam hak-hak kemanusiaan yang asasi.
- Editor] Malaysia Under Mahathir Cell Phone from Kuala Lumpur: TIME's Simon Elegant on the 20-year rule of Prime Minister
Mahathir Mohamad BY NICK PAPADOPOULOS Wednesday, July 18, 2001 Mahathir Mohamad, the 75-year-old often-controversial
leader of Malaysia, marked his 20th anniversary in office on
Monday with a low-key party -- if you call a dinner for 25,000
people low-key. editor Nick Papadopoulos spoke
to TIME Southeast Asia correspondent Simon Elegant about
Malaysia under Mahathir. Edited excerpts:
How did Mahathir and Malays celebrate this impressive
achievement? Mahathir cut a cake in Parliament and then that evening in
Malacca -- and this is bizarre but appropriate for Mahathir
because of his strange lust for records, and it personifies this
Malaysian "can do" spirit -- he hosted Malaysia's biggest ever
sit-down dinner. People from the Guinness Book of Records
were in attendance; it's estimated 25,000 people were at this
dinner. They had to bus people in from all government
departments, the party faithful from the ruling coalition.
Mahathir didn't really make much of a speech, but the bizarre
and most interesting part of the evening was when he arrived.
The crowd, while they weren't hostile, appeared indifferent ...
It's not that they disliked him, but despite the efforts of some
people who tried to work the crowd, they just didn't pay much
attention. It was kind of eerie.
Has Mahathir been good for Malaysia?
Mahathir's great strength has been his managing of the
economic crisis and his decision to go against conventional
wisdom. My feeling is that that worked pretty well and it
protected Malaysia. The jury is still out for a lot of people, but
the feeling among many is that his driving of the export
economy over the last 20 years is what has brought Malaysia its
wealth. On the downside, however, there are these gigantic
white elephant projects. One Chinese opposition leader said to
me that Mahathir was absolutely incapable of admitting
mistakes. He's incredibly stubborn. The best example of this is
the Bakun dam, which he's been trying to build since the early
1980s. It just doesn't make sense commercially or economically.
They've moved tens of thousands of people, it's destroying an
area of forest the size of Singapore, it's going to cost billions
of dollars -- it just seems like an idiotic project. And it says a lot
about Mahathir's rule. Malaysia today is very different from the Malaysia of 20 years
ago, right? That's right. People enjoy a very good lifestyle here, particularly
compared to a place like Thailand. You just have to look at Kuala
Lumpur and its infrastructure (to know that). Mahathir has been
a builder; there are buildings that you may not like, like the
Petronas Towers, the tallest buildings in the world, and lots of
highways, but Malaysians live relatively well.
What has kept Mahathir in power for so long?
Sheer willpower. One of his great qualities is his passion for his
beliefs. But the flip side of that is his utter self-confidence; he
never admits that he's wrong. Another negative is his utter
political ruthlessness, because he always believes he is
completely right. So that means he feels justified doing
whatever is necessary to stay in power.
Does he enjoy any support from the people?
It's very difficult to tell exactly. There are no official polls in this
country. The Police are the only people who take polls and they
have told the Prime Minister that in some states in the Malay
Peninsula support for his ruling party is down to one-third of
the Malays. People are also still very angry with him over the
Anwar (Ibrahim) affair. They just felt that it was extremely cruel
that the ruthless element of his character came out too
strongly. Mahathir didn't do that well at the last election. And
my feeling is that if he doesn't watch out there will be
significant losses for his party at the next election. That has to
be held by early 2004, but it will probably be earlier than that.
Are there any signs of him relinquishing his power anytime
soon? He has hinted in the past of giving it all up. After the UNMO
assembly about a month ago, he rescinded that. Nobody now
believes that he has any intention of resigning, and in fact many
people believe he may continue until 2007. He described himself
in a recent press conference as "caught." "I can't resign, I'm
caught," were his exact words, I think. Many people, myself
included, believe he'll never resign.
What do you think will be his legacy?
I think that is what's worrying him now. He'd like it (his legacy)
to be a prosperous Malaysia that has wonderful infrastructure
and one in which Malays have taken their rightful place rather
than being oppressed by the white man or being in a secondary
position in their own country. That is the thing that has driven
him all his life. But because of the Anwar affair, many people will
judge him as a ruthless and cruel leader who humiliated and
destroyed a man for no other reason than to stay in power. So
they are his two legacies, and that is what's making him a
somewhat tragic figure now. |