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HR: Malaysia's Manipulated Market By Harun Rashid 29/7/2001 9:58 pm Sun |
Malaysia's Manipulated Market
by Harun Rashid Jul 30, 2001 The Umno/BN party controls the printed media and television,
either through direct control or through a requirement to obtain an
annual operating permit. This method of licencing control is now
being extended to all business activities in the country. Such
unfriendly intrusion is certain to act as a dis-incentive to new
business, and it gives established firms an excellent reason to
relocate. This unwarranted extension of annual licences threatens free
enterprise at all levels. It is another means to facilitate further
incursion of political domination of the markets. Interpreted
correctly, it means the end of the free enterprise system in
Malaysia. Every owner and manager must now operate at the
dictate and whim of the prime minister. The intrinsic goodwill
value of every existing enterprise is now zero, as there can be no
further business activity if the prime minister gives notice the
licence is not to be renewed. Only the foolhardy would venture
into such a milieu. Malaysia has an unusual stock market. It is often offered as an
example of free enterprise occurring in SE Asia on the model of
Western markets scaled down. This is far from a true picture, as
any who have personal experience can attest. The spreads are
wider than the door of an airplane hanger, and the necessary
correspondence between audited reports and reality is missing.
This is not always entirely the fault of the auditors, though
generally they are not blameless. The error lies in the assumption
that all market players are fools, which is more a dream wish in
the prime minister's head than a reality.
The government has an heavy hand in all major industries,
arbitrarily changing management according to the level of
perceived subservience to political objectives. The largest
companies are under the complete control of the politicians, and
though almost are are hopelessly swamped in a sea of debt, the
share prices are kept up by fund buying at the behest of and
under the direction of the government. Though the Securities
Commission continues to improve in its vigilance, the amount of
unregulated activity defies description. The exercise of regulatory
authority lacks persuasive vigour. The Malaysian stock market is presently brisk in the
rearrangement of assets. The volume of shares is artificially
elevated to a highly exaggerated level. As a consequence, the
KLSE index has moved from a low at the 550 level to around 650.
There is nothing obvious to explain this optimism. Share assets
are valued by underlying factors such as earnings, dividends and
real property. All of these in the present business climate are
declining. It appears that the Malaysian government, in the person of the
prime minister, is intent on buying itself back. To do this all the
savings of the public are being squandered. The national pension
funds are being depleted toward this effort, as are all other
sources in the country. Bonds are being sold worldwide to
generate additional purchasing power. Savings are being lost to
support bankrupt firms, and new debt is being created that cannot
be serviced. Once share ownership in a given company exceeds a set
percentage, an exchange rule requires that a general offer be
made for the balance of the shares, but this requirement is easily
set aside at the convenience of the government. Also, whenever
purchases by one fund approach this limit, it is an easy matter to
shift further purchases to another fund, thus exceeding the limit
without generating a requirement to make a general offering for
the balance of the shares. It is difficult to find a rationale for the
behavour of the government, other than the desperate political
position of the prime minister, who is under serious criticism for
allowing the assets of the Umno party to be taken from under his
nose. In spite of signs the economy is worsening, share values are
rising, in total defiance of repeated projections of decreased
earnings. To watch this occur on a daily basis provokes
foreboding that a time of re-valuation must soon come. There is
no prospect of improved earnings to support a price-to-earnings
ratio of 20:1, much less the 40:1 ratios still common. Who would
hold indefinitely shares which will not their price after forty years
of patient waiting, especially when there is every indication that
the earnings are to soon fall? The repayment period will be
extended beyond any realistic time. That being the case, the
pressure to sell share assets can only increase, and values would
fall to a realistic level without the decision to provide artificial
support. Because this adjustment is not occurring, the impression is that
the market is being manipulated, in a vain effort to attract unwary
foreign fund managers. The impression is reinforced by the
unwillingness of the prime minister to allow any investigation into
various matters in which the government is implicated. The report
of the investigation into racial killings in a squatter village Kuala
Lumpur are now to be an official secret. Allegations of official
involvement and provocation using army personnel and hired
thugs are thus not to be answered.
An attempt to raise five billion dollars in London using the fake
bonds of a Malaysian govenment agency is well known, as is the
unwillingness of the government to press charges against the
perpetrators. The scheme is alleged to originate 'at the top'. The
head of the agency involved has even been promoted by the
prime minister. This incident has placed a dark cloud over the
Malaysian bond market. Since it is the government which is the
backer of most of the bonds issued in Malaysia, this is a serious
matter, and has caused Malaysia to lose all credibility in the
worldwide bond market. When the market rises to reach a plateau, generally on
excessively high volume, it indicates either a renewed interest by
the investing public or manipulation. At the moment the market
continues higher than normal volume, though it rises no further.
This daily process, known as churning, indicates shares are
moving from strong hands to weak hands, in preparation for a
withdrawal of support and a market fall.
This up and down motion functions much as a pump, offering
buyers who are locked into losing positions an opportunity to
slowly work their way to a profit. This is done at the expense of
the unwary, who tend to become enthusiastic after a rally, buy at
the top and hold, hoping against hope as they stand paralysed,
watching the market fall. Finally, filled with fear, they sell at the
bottom. If enough such sheep can be sheared, the prime minister may get
a little of the party's money back. But fom whom? The sheared
tend to be the public, those citizen/employee/consumers who
contribute, oluntarily and involuntarily, to the public and union
pension funds. They are growing wiser, slowly but surely, and
with this increasing awareness comes a determination that the
pilfering of their savings must stop.
The Umno/Bn politicians are aware of the potential strength of the
unions. They show a modicum of respect and circumspection.
This is not true for the NGO's, the various commissions, the Bar
Council, the Chinese associations, the student associations, and
the opposition parties. All these receive neither response nor
respect. Yet even with the increasing union activism, the fund
looting continues. The annuity scheme of the EPF is not cancelled,
and the money is not refunded. The members of the bank
employees union are directed to repay the stock market losses of
their fund manager by a 10 percent monthly salary deduction. It
will take a year, perhaps two, as the losses amount to about
RM25,000 per member. The bank union members were not invited
to participate in the operation of their stock market adventure.
They didn't know until it was too late.