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TheAge: Furore At Mahathir Plot Claim By Mark Baker 6/8/2001 10:10 pm Mon |
[Tangkapan terbaru terhadap pemimpin PAS dan anak TG Nik Aziz sendiri
telah menggegarkan senario politik tanah-air dan mungkin juga seantero dunia.
Ini bermakna Mahathir dan Abdullah Badawi telah tidak memperdulikan saranan
Suhakam serta tidak menghormati implikasi keputusan Hakim Hishamudin mengenai
kedudukkan ISA, kuasa polis dan perlembagaan.
Pembangkang tidak perlu melancarkan serangan militan kerana ceramah dan suara
sahaja sudah cukup berkesan. Lagipun Mahathir sendiri akan menyebabkan Umno
dan BN terbenam. Dia kerapkali memberikan markah percuma tanpa perlupun
pembangkang mengangkat senjata ala tentera. Bukankah Kelantan dan Terengganu
dulu tumpas dengan begitu aman tanpa sedikit pun kekacauan? Sebaliknya
mesyuarat dalam parti MCA, Umno, MIC dan PPP sendiri asyik penuh dengan
keganasan sehingga kekadang polis terpaksa dipanggil untuk meleraikan.
Tetapi mesyuarat parti pembangkang semuanya berakhir dengan senyuman.....
kerana yang penting ahli dan rakyat yang menang - bukan diri sendiri.
- Editor] By MARK BAKER Malaysia's Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has sparked a political furore
by accusing the country's biggest opposition party of being implicated in an
alleged terrorist conspiracy by Islamic extremists.
Leaders of the moderate Islamic-based party Pas have accused Dr
Mahathir of using desperate tactics to try to halt a rapid decline in support
among traditional Malays for his leadership and for the ruling United Malays
National Organisation. Pas president Fadzil Mohamad Noor angrily denied any involvement by the
party in extremist activity. "Don't involve Pas in this. It has nothing to do
with the party." Dr Mahathir claimed at the weekend that 10 people arrested since last
Thursday under the Internal Security Act - which allows indefinite detention
without trial - had been trained by Afghanistan's Taliban militia and were
preparing a campaign of political and criminal violence.
He said some of the group were extremist members of Pas who believed
political change in Malaysia was too slow and wanted to overthrow the
government. "These people have gone abroad, getting involved with the Taliban and
accumulating weapons overseas, and now they have returned. We realised
that they intended to use violence such as killing, robbing banks and
exploding bombs," he said. The 10 arrested include two members of the youth wing of Pas and the son
of the chief minister of the Pas-led state of Kelantan, Nik Aziz Nik Mat.
Police claimed they were part of a group with more than 50 members that
was behind a number of bombings, the murder of a provincial politician and
a series of robberies over the past year.
But senior opposition leaders said no evidence had been produced to
implicate those arrested in any criminal activity.
"If the government has evidence, they should be charged in court and put
through an open trial and not detained under the ISA," Democratic Action
Party leader Lim Kit Siang said.
Similar terrorist allegations were made in April when the security act was
used to arrest a group of young leaders of the opposition Keadilan Party -
headed by the wife of former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim, whose
jailing two years ago on sex and corruption charges is seen to have
triggered the decline in support for the government.
A judge released two of the detainees in June after accusing police of
abusing their powers and saying no evidence had been produced to support
claims they were plotting to topple the government. An appeal by six
others who have been ordered detained without trial for two years will be
heard this week.
The latest arrests coincide with a widening crackdown on political dissent,
including a ban on all political rallies and meetings, which has led to a series
of confrontations in recent days between police and opposition activists.
In a 32-page report released on Friday, Malaysia's government-appointed
human rights commission, Suhakam, attacked growing restrictions on
political freedom in Malaysia and called for an end to the ban on political
gatherings. "In the past three years, Malaysian civil society has strengthened and the demand for civil and political rights has become louder," it said. "It is imperative for the government to respond to the changing political climate and changing aspirations." |