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BBC: M'sia Industrial Output Falls 9.9% - 90,000 Jobs Would Be Lost By BBC 7/8/2001 11:26 pm Tue |
[Siapakah 90,000 yang akan kehilangan kerja itu jika tidak pengundi juga
yang sebahagiannya memangkah BN tempoh hari. Itu termasuk pengampu Mahathir
dan Umnonya juga. Kemelesetan ekonomi tidak mengenal rupa..... dan sesal
kemudian sudah tidak berguna. Bayangkan di negara China berlambak peluang
kerja. Bagaimana mereka yang terbuang itu mahu membayar pinjaman rumah dan kereta?.
Siapakah yang akan menolong mereka bila sudah terhimpit sebegitu rupa?
Oh ya jangan lupa - wang pencen dan KWSP itu masih adakah lagi?
- Editor] Tuesday, 7 August, 2001, 05:45 GMT 06:45 UK
Malaysia's industrial output contracts
Manufacturing exports have been hit by the slowdown Malaysia's
industrial output for June has fallen almost 10% since the same
time last year. The Department of Statistics said industrial production in June was
down 9.9% compared to June 2000. Output has fallen steeply since May, with June industrial production
down 6.8% on the previous month. Manufacturing was the worst hit sector, down 7.6% on May,
followed by mining, which contracted 6.9%.
Output in the April to June period was 3.4% below the first quarter
of the year. Here too, the manufacturing recorded the biggest
decline, down 4.6%. The overall decline in industrial output in the first six months of
this year has been less severe, at 0.7%.
A survey in the Singapore-based Straits Times newspaper on Monday
forecast 90,000 jobs would be lost in Malaysia this year, most of
them in manufacturing. Malaysia was ranked fifth in a survey of rising unemployment in
10 Asian countries. August 7, 2001 Malaysia June industrial production falls 9.9%
KUALA LUMPUR - Industrial production fell 9.9 per cent in June
compared to a year ago as factories reduced output as a result of
less foreign orders. The output decline was largely due to a 13.2 percent year-on-year
fall in the manufacturing index and 4.0 percent decline in mining
sector, the Department of Statistics said.
It added the latest production fall is the biggest drop since
January 1999. |