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Asiaweek: Field of Dreams [MSC/E-village] By William Mellor 11/8/2001 5:32 pm Sat | AUGUST 17, 2001 Field of Dreams Mahathir Mohamad envisioned a merger of Silicon Valley with
Hollywood in rural Malaysia. What he got was great infrastructure, a
real estate development and a movie soundstage. But some
entrepreneurs are building success on their own terms
By WILLIAM MELLOR Just last September, Ibrahim seemed on top of the world. To celebrate
completion of the initial phase of the E-village, the first of eight
state-of-the-art soundstages, he hosted a gala extravaganza
featuring Jackie Chan. But by May, development of the massive
project had ground to a halt, raising questions about whether Ibrahim
and his partners ever had sufficient expertise or financing to carry it
off. Says Don Groves, regional editor of the influential entertainment
industry bible Variety: "There's no secret that the Entertainment
Village is a white elephant. The wrong people were given the job."
The Multimedia Super Corridor seems like yet another example of
Mahathir's checkered development strategy: give well-connected, if
inexperienced, local players like Ibrahim a franchise to build and
operate a major project meant to boost the country to developed
nation status. All too often those grand schemes come up short. But
fortunately for Malaysia, another story is unfolding amid the MSC
mess. A small number of young, self-made technopreneurs are
proving Malaysia can develop Silicon Valley-style start-ups. Some are
competing globally in such highly competitive sectors as airport
management systems. Even the new Multimedia University is
successfully selling content to Europe. Says a senior Asian diplomat in
Kuala Lumpur: "The MSC represents the best and worst of business in
Malaysia." The E-village debacle certainly qualifies as among the messiest.
Originally, development of the village was awarded to Datuk Keramat
Holdings (DKH), a public company of which Ibrahim was vice
chairman. The DKH group owns London's Leavesden studios, where
Star Wars: Episode 1-the Phantom Menace had just been made. The
plan was to transfer Leavesden's expertise to the E-village. But
following a power struggle that led to Ibrahim being removed from the
DKH board, the Multimedia Development Corp., the government
body that runs the MSC, took the E-village away from DKH and
gave it to Ibrahim alone. This despite the fact that Ibrahim no longer
had access to Leavesden's know-how.
Ibrahim's private company quickly ran short of cash and the MDC
issued $7 million in loan stocks. Now the government agency is
attempting to find new investors with the funds to restart
development on a more modest scale. Two mentioned, Lim Goh Tong
of the Genting gaming group and reclusive Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary,
a Mahathir favorite, are among Malaysia's richest men. But even they
would be hard-pressed to resurrect Mahathir's dream.
The silver lining is that the travails of the E-village add weight to calls
for a change of direction at the MSC. Five years after its inception
and on the eve of the annual meeting of its high-powered
international advisory panel, Asia's most ambitious high-tech
"siliclone" is under scrutiny as never before. Claims of cyber cronyism
and overspending have angered many Malaysians. Competition from
other high-tech zones, both for investors and increasingly scarce
knowledge workers, is intense. Although Microsoft's Bill Gates has
described the MSC as "awesome," neither he nor any other U.S. tech
titan has made a major investment there.
A consultants' report leaked to a regional newspaper describes the
MDC as too bureaucratic and says the corridor has made no
significant impact on the economy. Even the normally sycophantic
local press are upset. "The MSC has lost its competitive edge of being
first to market," declared New Straits Times columnist A. Shukor
Rahman recently. Mahathir himself has acknowledged that the MSC, which has so far
cost $4 billion, has not met expectations. Now the MDC is promising
a more focused plan. Officials speak of the need to create global
companies if the MSC is to be more than just another tech park. Says
MDC deputy chief Mohamed Arif Nun: "The next five years are going
to be very challenging. We have got to build heroes, not manufacture
them like the Spice Girls." So far, what the MDC has built is an extraordinary piece of
infrastructure. Stretching 50 kilometers south from the world's tallest
buildings, the Petronas twin towers in Kuala Lumpur, to the new
international airport, the MSC is a fantastic work in progress - a
bizarre mix of futureworld and untouched rural Malaysia spread over
an area 10 times the size of Hong Kong Island.
Peeping between rolling hills swathed with rubber trees and oil palms
are the green onion domes and blue and red tile roofs of two new
cities - Putrajaya, Malaysia's purpose-built and architecturally
stunning federal capital, and Cyberjaya, the hub of tech business and
home to the Multimedia University. Linking these new cities with Kuala Lumpur and the airport is a
network of multilane highways. Just as important are the hundreds of
kilometers of digital fiber-optic cable laid beneath the roadside. The
cables form an information superhighway giving high-speed Internet
connections throughout the 15-km-wide corridor. And still the
construction goes on. The economic crisis only slowed it down. The
Prime Minister and his department have already moved into Putrajaya.
The home and foreign ministries will follow soon.
Despite the skepticism about the MSC's future, 8,000 people are
already working in Cyberjaya, which six months ago was a ghost town
that had won the nickname Siberia. Now developers are having the
last laugh. A fast-selling apartment block is called Cyberia - ria in
Malay means happy. A rapid train service will arrive later this year.
The jury is still out on whether Cyberjaya will reach the 250,000
population projected by 2020, but the university is filling up as
students recognize the opportunity created by a chronic shortage of
knowledge workers - this year's class has 6,000. And the
government has plenty of incentives to dangle before local and
foreign companies - 10-year tax holidays, freedom to hire foreigners,
exemption from capital controls and foreign ownership limits, and
possible access to the MDC's own venture capital funds. Thus far 541
companies employing 20,000 have received MSC status.
But aside from the tax holidays, the incentives amount to little more
than an effort by the government to create in the corridor the sort of
business environment that should exist nationwide. And in return
MSC members eventually will have to set up shop there as the
government tries to create a highly artificial local version of Silicon
Valley. The MSC's creators are unrepentant, insisting the zone is
essential to attract the best international and local companies. Says
technocrat Arif: "If you want to get the best girl at the ball, you have
to wear a good tuxedo." Unlike previous generations of Malaysian businessmen, the country's
best technopreneurs are not so easily wooed. They would be foolish
not to accept the incentives on offer, but most simply want to
operate on a level playing field to prepare them for taking on global
competitors. "We have had nothing from the MSC - that's why we
have come so far today," quips Suhaimee Abu Hassan, whose
XYBASE Technologies recently saw off U.S. rivals to win a $4-million
contract for flight information and gate management systems at
Boston's Logan airport. Mark Chang, CEO of online recruiter, fears a move to
the MSC could be disastrous. Chang set up his company in Penang in
1995 and worries he will lose key staff if he has to uproot. He is
puzzled by the logic of the demand to relocate. "Location should not
be a factor," he says. "Isn't that what the Internet's all about?"
Instead of one big MSC, Chang asks, why weren't smaller ones set up
around the country? XYBASE's Suhaimee believes he knows the answer to that. "It's a real
estate development," he declares. Suhaimee, who prefers to keep his
office at the Tropicana golf resort in suburban Kuala Lumpur even
though he has MSC status, may be partly right. The major developer
inside the MSC is a consortium of Malaysia's biggest builders. Rents
can be double those in town. The MDC retorts that the price is much
less than Singapore. But that does not impress N. Gunananthan, of
e-enabler Smart Transact. "We're not in Singapore, we're in Malaysia
and by our standards rents are high," he says.
Similarly, Gunananthan is not rapturous about the incentives the MSC
offers. He agrees he would not be able to do business without MSC
status because of exchange and capital controls imposed on
non-MSC businesses, but adds: "In some other countries you
wouldn't have those controls on you anyhow." Still, he has no regrets
about becoming the first tenant in Century Square, the commercial
heart of Cyberjaya, even though he has to provide dormitories for
employees because the public transportation is still inadequate.
The MSC has other defenders too. Alex Kong, of Asia TravelMART,
and Wei Chuan Beng, of REDtone Technologies, insist the MSC has
been crucial to their success. And both declare they aspire to become
the global companies the MDC seeks to produce.
Such talk would hearten Mahathir, who believes the MSC is essential
for Malaysia to transcend its dependence on manufacturing that is
increasingly moving to cheaper centers such as China. But it won't
begin to make up for the way the big players have slighted his dream.
When Mahathir set up the MSC in 1996 with two technocrats and
half an accountant borrowed from the Rubber Research Board, he
believed he could attract the world's top tech and film companies.
That vision took him to Los Angeles, where he checked into the movie
stars' favorite home-from-home, the stately pink Beverly Hills Hotel.
Mahathir's entourage was disappointed the only "star" they saw was
Ali McGraw. But the prime minister had better luck in meeting
Tinseltown's moneymen. And he appeared to have hit the jackpot
when all the biggest names in the world of high tech from Bill Gates
down turned up to listen to him. Many of these techno titans are sworn enemies, but they were united
in their gushing enthusiasm for the MSC. Some 40 of them, including
Gates and Oracle's Larry Ellison, agreed to serve on an international
advisory panel and it was reported, to Singapore's dismay, that
Microsoft would make Malaysia its regional headquarters.
Then the Asian financial crisis hit. Malaysia kept building and Japanese
telecom giant NTT moved into Cyberjaya. But while most of the big
U.S. tech players eventually opened offices, few had more than a
token presence. Microsoft has just nine employees in the MSC. Its
investment: a puny $2.5 million over five years compared with $50
million in India. The Entertainment Village isn't likely to tempt Hollywood either - at
least for the time being. When Asiaweek visited it, only security staff
could be seen at the desolate site, a former tin mine. Ibrahim did not
return calls. Although Genting has denied involvement, a rescue deal
appears imminent. The other reported savior, Syed Mokhtar
Al-Bukhary, is already a prominent player in the MSC, having secured
the e-procurement contract for Putrajaya for one of his companies,
Commerce Dotcom. He is not commenting.
Even if a rescue can be arranged, Mahathir's dream of building an Asian cross between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland will likely be drastically scaled back. But almost in spite of itself the Multimedia Super Corridor has spawned a new breed of technopreneurs who succeed by following their own dreams, not the government's. The message is clear: Malaysia's talented businesspeople can take on the world, if only the government will get out of the way. |