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BTS: Malaysian Air Force Personnel Rampage Through Nightclubs By AP 14/8/2001 5:06 pm Tue |
[Ada dua isu (atau lebih?) dalam berita ringkas ini. Pertama, tentera disogok
dengan budaya mengunjungi tempat maksiat sejak menjadi rekrut lagi. Kedua
siasatan polis gagal untuk memuaskan hati angkatan tentera. Ketiga - apakah
semua tentera yang mengamuk itu akan dikenakan tindakkan pula? Dan mungkin
keempat, perkara ini akan diperapkan kerana memalukan polis dan tentera sahaja.
Tetapi parut itu sudahpun berbekas dan jika kerajaan gagal menyelesaikannya
bersedialah untuk kebangkitan angkatan tentera pula. Bukankah apa yang berlaku
di Sg Buloh itu sudah menunjukkan beberapa petanda?
- Editor] Malaysian Air Force Personnel Rampage Through Nightclubs
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--More than 100 Malaysian air force personnel
tore through nine nightclubs at an international offshore
financial center on Borneo island, wrecking patrons' cars and
injuring at least two civilians, police said Monday.
The half-hour rampage Sunday night could be linked to the death
of an air force recruit who was killed in a fiery motorcycle
crash after having drinks at one of the nightspots Thursday.
Authorities say no foul play was suspected in the incident.
"Maybe they were not satisfied with the post-mortem report and
suspected something else had caused the accident," Labuan
police chief Sidin Abdul Karim said. "They went into one
nightspot after another and started damaging things."
Sidin, quoted by the national news agency, Bernama, said that
police had made no arrests so far. The damage caused by the
men, stationed at an air force base on the island, was
estimated to total up to 40,000 ringgit ($1=MYR3.80) at each
club. No other details were immediately available.
Labuan, off the west coast of Malaysia's Sabah state, is one of
Malaysia's three federal territories, which also include Kuala
Lumpur, the biggest city, and Putrajaya, the administrative
capital. (END) Dow Jones Newswires 13-08-01 0711GMT Copyright (c) 2001 , Dow Jones & Company Inc |