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MGG: Confusing the Confuser [Meritocracy] By M.G.G. Pillai 16/8/2001 9:57 pm Thu |
Confusing the Confuser This thinly-guised one-sided debate on meritocracy has no purpose
than punish those Malays who desert in droves UMNO and the
government it leads. The UMNO supreme council met to agree on
meritocracy, only to dissemble after. This is normal. Once it
did not matter. All agreed with their hearts and minds about
what the UMNO president proposed. Not any more. Dato' Seri
Mahathir Mohamed, the Prime Minister and UMNO president, finds
the going rough these days. So with his laudable plans for
meritocracy in public universities. The supreme council solemnly
agreed with him, but its members dissembled once outside, as
often these days. UMNO and the government talked at cross
purposes. Meritocracy is all right, but only within the special
bumiputra quotas which allow the unfit in to fill irrevocable
quotas. And so, another UMNO supreme council agreed to introduce
it in stages. The confuser is now confused: it is merit for
some, and mediocrity for the rest, but all would be admitted.
The UMNO supreme council is more important than Parliament.
Dr Mahathir and his UMNO cabinet members would not dare miss a
meeting as they would with impunity in Parliament. They would
not shirk questions in the supreme council as regularly in
Parliament. It is rare for ministers to answer questions
addressed at them; that is relegated to deputy ministers and
parliamentary secretaries. So, with no surprise, UMNO supreme
council decides, Parliament not informed, the cabinet enforces
it, with no discussion or position paper. The minister of
education is surprised at what it means in practice. UMNO vice
presidents shiver at the consequences. But the Prime Minister's
edicts are as irrevocable in Malaysian officialdom as Zues's from
Mount Olympus in Ancient Greece.
But merit as Dr Mahathir defines it is political: the UMNO
youth chief, Dato' Hishamuddin Hussein, is for it as strongly now
as he was against it a few months ago. He and his UMNO youth
went on a rampage a few months ago when a Chinese cultural group
suggested it as one option for a Malaysian nation. But when When
policies are announced like Olmypian edicts, it requires an
unshakeable ground swell of support to carry it through. UMNO's
good luck is that until the culturally unfortunate events of
1998, it had that. It has lost that now, and must wean that
support back but not on its terms. But UMNO sees that
desertion as treachery and punishes the Malay for it.
If it wants to be back in favour, UMNO must reform from
within. That is but impossible. The corruption and the perks so
comfortable that UMNO, and, by extension, its coalition partners,
would fight tooth and nail to be deprived of them. Blood and
gore there must be, with none ready for it: the Anwar blood and
gore is too recent for UMNO leaders, especially when they could
be victims. Besides, the perks of office are too good to want to
be forced out. We see that in a small way: the MCA, MIC,
Gerakan and other coalition party leaders cling to office long
after they are an albatross to their party. For UMNO it is more.
So merit is the latest weapon to punish the Malay for
thinking the unthinkable proposition of UMNO's invincibility, a
tactical diversion to not rethink its strategic worldview. None
in UMNO or National Front could surgically remove deadwood in
UMNO and National Front leadership without a revolution within.
So, Dr Mahathir's targetting of undergraduates is mystifying.
His actions suggest that the undergraduates-to-come would be as
obstreperous and defiant of authority as the current lot. It is
a dangerous view to hold, for it reflects the targetting of
undergraduates as perenially anti-government. There are side
issues, mostly laughable, like forcing lecturers and
undergraduates to sign contracts so that cabinet ministers and
UMNO leaders would not be booed in campus.
When instruments of state bend its will to UMNO's
overwhelming dominance, it did not matter. But when they would
not now -- the judges for one, the civil servants for another --
UMNO's ship of state heads for the rocks. When ignoring this,
the captain hectors, the Malay sea waves threaten to engulf the
ship before it hits the rocks. So, it tells us to suspend what
we know to be true to accept what is not. We are doing well
because Putrajaya tells us, against what we now and see around
us, we are. What UMNO would not see is that in all three major
communities in Malaysia -- the Malay, Indian, Chinese, Kadazan,
Dayak -- the cultural aversion to their political leaders and
parties in the National Front is near permanent. It did not
matter when UMNO was intact. It is different now. As for
meritocracy, if only Malay students admitted to public
universities would only join UMNO and not oppose what opposition
parties, like PAS, find objectionable, UMNO could heave a breath
of fresh air. But that fresh air, in how UMNO handles
undergraduates, is more distant than the fresh air pushed out by
the haze we have over Kuala Lumpur.
M.G.G. Pillai |