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MGG: How To Buy A Personal Computer With Pirated Software By M.G.G. Pillai 21/8/2001 9:08 pm Tue |
[NST melapurkan lebih 1,700 syarikat menjual komputer yang terbabit
dalam skim milik komputer melalui KWSP telah menipu pelanggan dengan
memasukkan perisian yang diciplak. Menurut kementerian hal ehwal pengguna
program iru dimasukkan tanpa pengetahuan pembeli. Menurut pegawai kementerian
itu 40 pemilik kedai di Imbi Plaza telah diberikan notis mahkamah kerana
mengedar perisian cetak rompak. Skim membeli PC melalui konsortium yang dilantik oleh KWSP ini sebenarnya
tidak sesuai kerana harga komputer semakin menurun. Ini bermakna semakin
lambat ia dibekalkan semakin banyak untung pekedai. Lagipun banyak yang
membeli tanpa melihat benda di dalamnya. Bagaimana mereka tidak tertipu
dengan mudahnya? It is official: you must wait interminably for your personal
computer if you buy it with your EPF savings; What it costs is
deducted forthwith and sent to the the middle man, a company
called Oda Saja, linked, as one should expect, to those close to
the high and mighty of the land, but not delivered to the buyer
until months later, if at all. Now the domestic trade and
consumer affairs ministry says that these personal computers
contains pirated software. Vendors, we are told, cheat PC
buyers. Mind you, the "culprits", a favourite catchall word of
law enforcers, amongst them, cannot escape and the ministry
"would not hesitate to charge them." It is a surprise only when
they are. The deputy prime minister, no less, said more than
100,000 PCs have not been delivered months after orders were
placed. But we expect confusion in our no-nonsense bureaucrats:
the scheme is half-baked and ill-thought-out, as schemes from our
government often are. It allows the courtiers, cronies, siblings
of the establishment to make money at public expense. The public
loses at every turn. You would notice, surprisingly, that you
could buy the same machine from the same shop a few hundred
ringgit cheaper. Just shop around amongst the
officially-appointed EPF scheme vendors. None I checked one day
last week provide original software. Nor other than Microsoft
Windows. The ministry shouts at the top of its voice, often at
cue, about pirated software, usually at the behest of that
self-serving animal called Business Software Alliance and its
clones. Is the government serious about rooting out pirated
software? No! Otherwise, the likes of Imbi Plaza could not
exist. Sabre rattling is how the government threatens pirates.
The government has obtained a class injunction against the Imbi
Plaza fellows, but most have shifted from there and in a
neighbouring plaza they are alive and well. Let us see when the
ministry would act against them. If they do, it is for other
than to root out piracy. In any case, there is more interest in
porno and political videos. Pirated software falls into neither
category. The Imbi Plaza fellows view the action against them as
the cost of doing business. It does not root out software piracy nor force people to buy
the original. Especially when officially bought computers come
with, as the government now asserts, pirated software. When no
one cares and no one bothers, nothing changes. Not even the
threats we have come to expect from our enforcers. They are all
statements of intent with no desire to see it through. So, why
am I not surprised that I would get a bum deal if I bought a
personal computer with my EPF money? Nor that no one thought
through it? Somehow I expect to get pirated software when I buy a
computer with Windows on it. Nothing, in other words, changes or
would change. The Business Software Alliance must need 50 times more staff
if it seriously wants to root out software piracy; and they must
move with bodyguards. It only wants to make a point: arrest a
few fellows, force them to buy legal software at list prices, and
with that under their hat, it does not care. Otherwise, the BSA
would raid the Imbi Plazas throughout the country every day of
the year and find that piracy is so well entrenched that dead
bodies would be floating in rivers literally. And not only in
Malaysia. The government would not admit it. The BSA would not.
So, why are we told we must only use legal software? And what
has the domestic trade and consumer affairs done about this
latest twist to the piracy software scam?
M.G.G. Pillai