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AP: Malaysian PM Slams Human Rts Grp Over Criticism Of Police By Dow Jones 23/8/2001 2:10 am Thu |
[Setiap kali Mahathir teraib dia mengaibkan lawannya dengan tuduhan
bukan-bukan pula. Dia menuduh Suhakam dipengaruhi oleh nilai Barat dan
berat-sebelah. Dia cuba lari dari topik sebenarnya. Persoalan di sini
ialah polis telah melakukan KESALAHAN dan bertindak ganas tidak seperti
orang yang menghormati dan mematuhi undang-undang.
Mahathir sudah terjerat di sini. Jika Suhakam berbohong dia perlu
mendakwa Suhakam. Tetapi jika Suhakam benar, polis perlu dihukum
kerana melakukan kesalahan di sisi undang-undang. Biarkanlah dia
pening sendirian. Sekarang kita menunggu apakah hakim akan berdiam?
- Editor] August 22, 2001 Dow Jones Newswires Malaysian PM Slams Human Rts Grp Over Criticism Of Police
KUALA LUMPUR (AP)--Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused the
government-appointed human rights commission Wednesday of being
biased in favor of Western values for accusing the police of
brutality in breaking up an opposition demonstration last year.
"They are influenced by Western thinking," Mahathir told
reporters upon arrival in Kuala Lumpur after a trip to Europe,
the Middle East and Africa. "Their reports seem to reflect a
very Western bias. This is our country, and we have a different
set of values." The Malaysian leader, who marked 20 years in power last month,
has long been critical of Western standards of democracy and
human rights if they conflict with Asian values and traditions.
The Malaysian Human Rights Commission published a scathing
report Monday on an inquiry into the police handling of a
demonstration by about 5,000 supporters of jailed former deputy
premier Anwar Ibrahim last November. At least 122 people were arrested and detained up to several
days. Some claimed they had been assaulted during arrest and
suffered delays in receiving medical treatment.
Though the commission has no enforcement powers, its
conclusions of cruelty and use of excessive force were another
blow to the reputation of the police, which has suffered since
Anwar was beaten in his jail cell by the then-chief of the
national force in 1998. The government set up the commission last year with 13 judges,
politicians, academics and representatives from
non-governmental groups. The panel recently criticized the
government for holding several opposition leaders in a prison
camp without trial. "Yes, we appointed them, but we expect them to be fair, to
understand that they are Malaysians and they should think in
terms of being Malaysian," Mahathir said.
Mahathir said that police were working under "pressure" and
were more "considerate" with protesters and did not shoot them,
an apparent reference to the recent death of a demonstrator in
Genoa, Italy, during the Group of Eight summit.
Anwar was fired as deputy premier in 1998 in a dispute over the
Asian economic crisis. The event triggered Malaysia's biggest
street protests in decades. He has been sentenced to 15 years'
imprisonment for corruption and s###my, which he calls a
conspiracy to prevent him from challenging Mahathir for power.
The government denies it.