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MBD: Harakah - The Mahathir Underground By Abdar-Rahman Koya 27/8/2001 9:52 pm Mon |
[Jangan melayu mudah lupa siapa dibalik tabir polisi pelik-pelik
Mahathir. Formula La Rouche yang sewel itu dipercayai banyak diguna-pakai
oleh Mahathir untuk merencana ekonomi Malaysia sedangkan La Rouche
pernah terbabit dalam jenayah kolar putih (kewangan) pada tahun 1989.
Seperti La Rouge, Mahathir juga gemar berteori untuk lari dari kegagalan
dan realiti. Sekarang kawalan modal dulu terpaksa dibuang kerana Malaysia
sudah tidak lagi diminati. Pelabur luar sudah jerih dan mereka enggan kembali
walaupun bermacam-macam rancangan ekonomi muncul tahun ini sahaja. Malah
pengunduran Daim pun masih gagal untuk menggerakkan ekonomi. Berniaga di
Malaysia sudah menjadi seperti bermain judi kerana Mahathir hanya mahu dia
seorang yang menang dalam permainan ini.
- Editor] In the interview with Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), a news
magazine published by an American think-tank headed by one Lyndon H.
LaRouche (see pic below), Mahathir said Malaysia "would have gone bankrupt"
if it were to wait for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to curb
currency trading that had devastated key Asian economies.
Commenting on this, Parliamentary Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang said
on Feb.23 that Mahathir should avoid making statements which "can only
create a lot of unease, locally and internationally", about prudent
financial and economic management in Malaysia.
Lim also said Mahathir's statement "raised eyebrows not only in what he said,
but also in the choice of the publication he said it", describing LaRouche as an
"eccentric" who spun elaborate conspiracy theories. During the Parliamentary
debate on the 1998 Budget in October 1997, Kit Siang had asked whether it
was true that Mahathir had been influenced by EIR as it had been noted that
some of the Prime Minister's comments were almost verbatim from the EIR.
"It would appear that LaRouche's influence on Mahathir has grown in the
past 16 months and the Malaysian Prime Minister is probably the only Prime
Minister in the world to give an interview to EIR," said Kit Siang.
LaRouche who had run many times as a presidential candidate in the United
States had been convicted in 1989 for financial crimes. One political analyst
said it was a well known fact that Mahathir and his close associate Daim
Zainuddin based their economic policies on the ideas of LaRouche, whom he
described "a maverick 75 year old".
Among others, LaRouche advocates a closing of the International Monetary
Fund (IMF), to be replaced by his own system of currency controls. He
spreads his ideas by having meetings with election candidates outside the
US, providing these candidates financial assistance to further their
campaigns so that they pursue LaRouche's ideas in Parliament when they win.
While LaRouche is a strong supporter of US President Bill Clinton - the
pro-Israeli president who had admitted to committing adultery last year -
his magazine EIR propagates things such as the "Jewish lobby of world
economic interests". It has even accused the Prime Minister of Thailand
Chuan Leekpai and Indonesian president B J Habibie of being a "Jewish tool".
LaRouche is also not liked by America's African-American community for his
anti-black stance. Recently he condemned the impeachment proceeding against Clinton and
said it was a British-engineered "coup" against the Presidency.
"The world is on the verge of going to hell. We are now in the process of the
systemic disintegration of the world financial system. The real intent of the
British-steered coup against the Presidency is to destroy the possibility,
once and for all, that the President of the United States can take steps to
overcome the financial crisis and the Depression," he said.
LaRouche had also accused the senate hearings as a conspiracy by the British
and their "Confederate allies in the House and the Senate" to turn the United
States into a British-style parliamentary system and revert to a British
colony. Last year, he had even appealed to Clinton to immediately appoint
him as the Economic Advisor. Another of LaRouche's mind-boggling ideas is his claim that the world
economic market is being controlled by a group of British Freemasons headed
by 78-year old Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and husband to Queen
Elizabeth II. This so-called group is made up of English dukes and nobles and
supposedly operates in the United Kingdom and Australia. According to
LaRouche, the British government of prime minister Tony Blair and that of his
predecessor John Major were under the control of Prince Philip, who
determines government policy in the UK.
In a comment posted over the Internet recently, one reader in London has
been explicit in his view about LaRouche: "Lyndon LaRouche is as crazy as a
mad-hatter, and any of his pupils must be as crazy as him."
Meanwhile, Kit Siang also regretted Mahathir's claim that Malaysia would
have gone bankrupt "if not for the capital control measures" introduced on
Sept. 1 last year. "If this is true, then Singapore, our nearest neighbour, which did not
introduce capital control measures should be facing a grave financial crisis if
not already on the verge of bankruptcy!," he said.
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