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FEER: Mahathir's in No Hurry to Quit By FEER Intelligence 31/8/2001 6:33 am Fri |
[Mahathir nampaknya akan terus memegang potfolio kewangan negara
untuk beberapa bulan lagi sekurang-kurangnya. Dia juga dijangka akan
mengetuai BN dalam pemilu akan datang. Menurut beberapa sumber tertinggi
koporat, Mahathir mengatakan beliau ingin menyusun beberapa kementerian
dahulu dan tidak akan membuat rombakkan sebelum Februari tahun depan.
Kemudian beliau akan menumpukan perhatian menyusun strategi dalam dua
tahun berikutnya untuk memenangi pilihanraya. Sebelum ini Mahathir
mengatakan ini 'mungkin' penggal terakhir buat dirinya.
- Editor] The Far Eastern Economic Review INTELLIGENCE Mahathir's in No Hurry to Quit Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad plans to hang on to the
finance portfolio for several more months at least and has given
further signs that he'll be leading the ruling National Front
coalition into the next general election. The premier has been acting
finance minister since the June resignation of Daim Zainuddin, but
highly-placed business figures say Mahathir recently told a confidant
he must sort out the ministry first and would not appoint a new
minister before February next year. Then he would devote the next two
years to preparing the Front for the next general election, which must
be held in 2004 at the latest. Previously, Mahathir had maintained
that this was "probably" his last term. |