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Asiaweek: At Last - Some Reasons for Malaysians to Smile By Arjuna Ranawana 1/9/2001 10:09 am Sat |
[Belum tentu lagi khabar gembira untuk semua kerana penyangak
kolar putih tidakpun dihukum jika dia memakai lencana Umno....
- Editor] Asiaweek Financial deregulation could be good news for everyone
By ARJUNA RANAWANA Friday, August 31, 2001 The future looks bright for Malaysia's fund managers and those
running unit trusts. "It's a sunrise industry for sure," says Edward
Ong of G.K. Goh Securities in Kuala Lumpur. Reasons for the
optimism include planned deregulation of the finance industry,
changes in savings patterns and more favorable demographics. But
improvements will not happen all by themselves. They will depend
largely on the economy improving and the government having the
political will to do what it knows has to be done.
The main engine of change will be the government's plan to open up
the financial services industry. This is expected to end the
government's dominance over funds -- government funds control
66.6% of the net asset value of the unit-trust industry, for instance.
The Financial Sector Master Plan, unveiled earlier in the year,
foresees gradual deregulation of the industry over the next 10 years,
starting this year. Malaysians will be given the option of changing
their savings funds from compulsory schemes managed by the
government to higher-yielding unit trusts. When similar deregulation
took place in the U.S. and U.K. in the early 1980s, there was a 25%
jump in the growth of funds within a decade. Under the proposed
deregulation, the Employees' Provident Fund (EPF) is expected to
place some 67% of its funds with external fund managers. This will
be another boost to the industry. The 37 Malaysian companies managing unit trusts are set to grow the
fastest, say managers. But they feel that these funds could start
growing even before the deregulation takes place. Yeoh Keat Seng,
CEO of fifth-ranked, by size, Commercetrust, expects the funds
under management in the nearly 140 unit trusts in Malaysia to grow
to $65 billion by 2010, from a current base of $11.3 billion. This
looks steep, but Yeoh points to several factors that he says will make
it possible. The current low base is an important factor. Unit Trust penetration is
low in Malaysia -- just over 5% of GDP. Countries like India have a
penetration of nearly 90%. Yeoh predicts that unit trusts will become
a core product when retirement planning is considered. He believes
that professionals wanting to save for specific purposes, such as
educational expenses for a child or the purchase of a house, will
switch to unit trusts. He hopes that Malaysians will change their
saving habits as well. Many of them now keep their money in fixed
deposits, but he wants to persuade them that these deposits lose
value when adjustments are made for inflation. Another factor:
Malaysia's population is young -- about three-quarters are under
the age of 40 - and there will be lots of productive people entering
the job market to make contributions to the economy and use
savings instruments. However, some things will have to fall into place before Yeoh's
predictions come true. The first will be that the economy and the
capital markets recover quickly. Apart from that, there is considerable
skepticism among industry players about the government's
enthusiasm for deregulation. If the government relinquishes control
over state-managed pension funds, it will lose a vital instrument
through which it influences the economy and the stock market. Large
funds such as the government servants' Pension Fund and the EPF
have in the past been accused of coming to the aid of failing
companies with connections to the government. Market sources also
say these funds have been used to sometimes drive up the Kuala
Lumpur stock market. As a result of this use of funds, dividends paid
by the EPF have fallen. If deregulation means a chunk of this money
will be managed by outside fund managers, then politically linked
decisions cannot be made. However, with a wind of change blowing through Malaysia Inc. these
days, and with the appointment of younger professional managers
and stronger pledges to observe better corporate governance
practices, the deregulation may actually take place. Then Malaysians
will then have a better range of options to choose from for their
savings. And that can't be bad. |